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| Andres Chacin | Graphic Design |

Welcome to my website. My name is Andrés and I am a creative graphic designer based in Miami, FL.

Under construction

What I Do

Programs That I Use

I have used Photoshop and Illustrartor since a was 12. Every I try to learn new ways and imporve myself.

Graphic Design

Graphic Design is my passion and what i plan to do for the rest of my life and my life is going to be pretty awesome. Join in.

In the scale 1 to 10 how good am I?


Who I Am


My name is Andrés Chacin and I study in Ai Miami International University. My mayor is Graphic Design. I'm originally from Venezuela. I'm 18 years old. Let's make cool stuff.


Check Out My Recent Doodles

(Mostly in Instagram)

Graphic Design Poster Typographic Graphic Design Poster Typographic Graphic Design Poster Typographic Graphic Design Poster Typographic

How I Work

I will take the time that is needed to get you and your project the desire look or feel. We'll have meeting or constanlty exachanging emails to guarantee a perfect project.

Meeting options: Phone Email Skype Google Hangout

My Resume

Tweet Me

Tweets by @AndresEXIV

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